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From the first day of term, to the last, the small moments in a school make a real difference to your child. #AttendanceCounts

Student Attendance at Bexhill Academy

The Academy starts at 8.30am and ends at 3pm daily. The academy day is 6.5 hours in length and the week is 32.5 hours in length.

  • The student entry gates to the academy close at 08:30. Any student arriving after this must sign in with the Pastoral Manager who will then let them in at the gate.
  • Any Student that arrives late (after 08:30 but before 8:40), will be met by the Pastoral Team who will record their name and form group. They will then go to their first lesson.
  • Students arriving to school after 08:40 are required to sign in at Reception as the student entry gate will be closed and locked. Sanctions will be implemented accordingly.
  • Bexhill Academy request that all parents/carers call the academy on the first day of a student's absence and must, by law, provide a written explanation of the absence upon their child’s return to school.
  • For the benefit of their education and progression, students' absences during term time will not be authorised. Parents must discuss any exceptional circumstances with the Headteacher.
  • Bexhill Academy will refer to the behaviour policy and implement relevant sanctions for students who arrive late.

Mr J Bayliss, Attendance Officer:

Ms Nikki Ashdown, Attendance and Safeguarding Manager:

Ms Helen Gardiner, EWO :

Attendance Links and Policies 

All Years Daily Timetable from September 2024


Absence Procedure


Attendance Policy 2024/2025


Information for Parents/Carers on School Attendance, the Law regarding Withdrawal from Learning and the Impact of Absence.

Visit Site

DfE Guide for School Attendance


Withdrawal From Learning Form


What people say about us:

"Thank you, we are extremely grateful for the staff's time and efforts to organise all the community events you host."

"Bexhill Academy is a great school that listens to parents and takes appropriate action."

"I love going to school here, the staff are great and I get lots of opportunities to do things I am good at."

"An amazing supportive school! "

"Great support from the school to get our kids through their exams. Really going above and beyond. "

"Thank you to all of the staff who have put on after-school or extra revision sessions. They have been really beneficial. The commitment to support students get through their GCSEs is amazing!"