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Harrisons Catering

Please see the following suggestions from our Catering Manager, Chris. 

If you have not had money put on the School Gateway app, you can pay cash into the school canteen before tutor time . We advise this to be done when you first come to school, so you can go straight to the tills at break or lunch as your money will be available.

If you are entitled to FSM this will not show up on the School Gateway, it will only show when you go to the till. It will always take from the FSM account first when you purchase items and the value is £2.50 per day. It is best to save that for lunchtime, as if you spend it before, there will be none left on the account for lunchtime.

We have two kiosks outside, in each playground that will sell snacks and drinks. Ice lollies and cookies are also available but only at lunchtime.

The end till and counter at lunchtime will be offering the main meal of the day: jacket potatoes and pasta. On Fridays you can buy boxes of chips at the other counter. The main counter will be a fish and chip lunch.

The main menu will be up on the counter from breakfast time so that you have a chance to think about what you might like for lunch.

Please do speak to Chris (He wears a white coat!) or any member of her team - they are always happy to help.

Useful Information

What people say about us:

"Thank you, we are extremely grateful for the staff's time and efforts to organise all the community events you host."

"Bexhill Academy is a great school that listens to parents and takes appropriate action."

"I love going to school here, the staff are great and I get lots of opportunities to do things I am good at."

"An amazing supportive school! "

"Great support from the school to get our kids through their exams. Really going above and beyond. "

"Thank you to all of the staff who have put on after-school or extra revision sessions. They have been really beneficial. The commitment to support students get through their GCSEs is amazing!"